Remember, once I was told not to pry
Knock at the door, once closed
Climb not the tower, with no steps
Don’t pester with such questions
Don’t read their tiny moves
Don’t act with such intent
Don’t come near with such a fear in your heart
Be still, the words kept coming
Be still, it won’t go away
Sit still and don’t fret
Don’t know more of what you already do
This door is mine to open alone
Those are windows meant to say ‘keep out’
Don’t wander on the path I forbid
Don’t live with my darkness clouding you
Remember, once I told you not to pry
Like that one other who told me too
Climb not the stairs with broken glass
Don’t ask about those trivial things
Don’t write with words you can’t even tell
Don’t watch some play with tears on your eyes
Don’t come near or you’ll have the same fate
And still, your life in the box
Yet still, you kept banging at
Sit still, please don’t fret
Don’t find out what my heart hides
This key is mine to use alone
This line is where I still stood
Don’t cross over and see
Don’t let my darkness cloud over you
Remember, you’re not to pry
Leave it alone, keep out of it
The pieces I threw out are my own mess
Don’t knock on the door once it closed
Don’t walk around wearing no shoes
Don’t stray in the grounds where there is no light
Don’t you dare come near and take it away
Remember, what I just asked
This fortress, I stood, is mine alone
I won’t let you enter, whatever you do
Don’t use your tears, I won’t fall for that
Don’t use your life to your own delight
Don’t waste your time with such intent
Don’t come near, with that fate in hand