Sunday, May 10, 2009

Deception and Lies

You saw her, this pretty youth
Staring at the world beneath her feet
High on the terrace of the castle floor
You were charmed by her innocence
Her beautiful, wondering eyes
And thus, it resolved, you’d take her for a bride

Deception and Lies are often twined
The illusions she cast to hide
She’s not as ugly or as hideous as it sounds
But her eyes held nothing even a spark of life

And one day you’ll just discover
It was just an act, a fad
A fairy tale full of deception and lies
Every scene her mask changes
Until you slapped her, does the truth came
The face you once admired
Was nothing more but a blank space

Truth was there for you to see
It was that, who she really was
Without rhymes or reasons
Nor words and wards
Not even an incantation to spare
You left her alone headed into the dark

Not even did you feel slight disarray
With the mess she strived to hide
All she ever did was to conceal and to make seem
The imperfection bestowed upon, was not really there

And soon, history deceived unraveled
Before thousands, millions of pairs of eyes
A fairy tale with no happy ending
Made of wood and sap, her variety of masks
Until she was slapped, does the truth come
The face that was once admired
Was nothing more but mischief of kind

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