Sunday, May 10, 2009


The night is my friend.
The darkness shadowing every exposed emotion.
The moon is the only light
With the cool air as the warmth.
There all my thoughts astray.
Here, the freedom from life.
Here, my spirit dances.
And my mask weary from rest.

The night, my only friend
Gives the impression hat I am not alone.
Here is where, I am the only one awake.
And all of them have already gone to heir dull realities.
Here I can dance,
No one will see, no one can ever see.

The night is not just a friend.
It is the only place that knows my existence.
The night that accompanies me, in every snores and sigh.
The night that don’t bid farewell.
Only a sounding twinkle.
Winking past.
Sinking through.
“Till the next sunset again.”

-February 21, ‘08

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