Monday, September 19, 2011

Do I lack the experience

the trip to the memory lane
was fast paced.
time constraint.
nerve wrecking.
and yet when every scene unfolds,
innocence pales in contrast.

do i act like that?
a pathetic excuse
for a godforsaken child
bloodless, with pallid skin
purplish lips,
pouring green slime
wherever there's dirt.

do i act like thee,
oh high and mighty one?
the one you used to love
the one you used to fuck
screaming the name
almost with a sigh
cooling netherland with
your immaturish feat.

do i live like that,
that childish soul?
anguished spirits
with graceful acts.
bashing the words
from the angels mouth
holy, uncouth
blushing at the sight
of your kissing lips.

do i lack the experience?
when you caught the sight
of my pinkish face
the fad i left
the crisis behind me.
lagging behind that wonderful flesh
inside my room naked, left undecide.

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