Saturday, August 27, 2016

Trending on with Adulting - Coloring Books for Adults

I'm onto Adult Coloring Books at the moment (Courtesy of a boyfriend who thought it might be best to sublimate my depressive epsodes into something aesthetically pleasing) and admittedly, it was kind of relaxing as it takes my mind off things.

Whenever I work, I lose myself in the repetitive task - in patterns, colors, and the constant hum of approval with my color choice. It was a bit conceited in my part since the activity basically gives me the affirmation that I had an artistic eye (which I do think I have. Some times. Most times. Not that people would agree).

Half of the Medium I'm using
I did research on the various color combinations that I could use as well as tips on coloring Mandalas. It was too obsessive, I know, but when I got to it - I knew most of what I've read does not matter. What matters is spontaneity and just taking the color as how I would feel.

I generally use color pencils with coloring, though I also use colored pens, gel pens, permanent markers, and ballpoint pens. It's hard to capture the solid colors with colored pencils and the last thing I wanted is running out of pencils because it'd be too consuming to get the desired effect.

And for all I know, he's going to analyze the color choices I've used in coloring.

** Book published under Creative Minds, an imprint of Precious Pages Corporation

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