Wednesday, August 24, 2016

For K

Loving you is an Ethereal Bliss
                that sets the f i r e w o r k s
                                in an uncanny motion
- the dizzying lights:
                a sunburst of faded colors,
    bright as cosmic rays.

Your Love feels like a f
     f r e e d o m       from jumping
                when you're acrophobic
   like stars,
like comets plummeting in
                speeds of light
like rains of silvers amidst
                                a dark blanket
     in haste to kiss the
collapsing in an agreeing echo.

Your Love brings tears to my eyes
when I thought my soul has dried
                H U M A N I T Y
                                in me.

Your Love, the opposite of wicked -
   the selfless desire that lights candles
with a breath of   a  i  r

Your Love is no Hearts
but         flowers                 without roots
    wishes             that heeded                       nothing,
songs with no                     music
                music with no                     captions
                                captions with no                              words

Your Love is a MAGNUM OPUS -
timeless  t h e m e  that held        No Limits.

Your Love is my
                one that sets
   a thread - thin as it may - back to the

The place I was made

                                                The place where we met. //030716

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